2011-05-28 | 来源:互联网 | 小编:admin | 人看过
Sony: Work on “future platform” is “already underway”
Speaking during call to investors this morning, Sony’s VP and CFO Masaru Kato made the comment regarding the next platform when asked to explain the increased research and development costs noted in Sony’s latest financial report.
“For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life,” he said, “but this is a platform business, so for the future platform – when we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that – but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there.”
在针对最新财报而进行的投资人会议中, SONY副总裁兼CFO正式确认了下一代SONY游戏机正在开发中。他是在解释研发成本有所提升的时候透露出这个信息的。
CAFE, PS4, XBOX720, 下个世代也许真的不远了~