03-0201支持中文游戏名 FBA E
07-2202FB Alpha简体中文版
04-2203FB Alpha简体中文版
03-0204支持中文游戏名 FBA
10-1905FB Alpha
10-0606FB Alpha SE v0.2.95.23
03-0207FBA v0.2.96.58
-NEWS- ----------------- -25-02-2006- Because everybody haven't P4 3ghz cpu, and because MAME become too much for old configuration like the mine, i would to compil another emulator with kaillera support. It is why i doing FBk Alpha+! 06' Edition, based on Final Burn Alpha+. In FBk Alpha+!, the most of the games played on kaillera run fast with a P2 450Mhz!!! I adding newer NeoGeo Games (kof2003,samsho5,samsh5sp,Mslug5,SVC and their clones from official NeoGeo set, so you can find easily the games you want) I doing a lot of additions and changes on the Macros from FBA+, i removed all Special macros (like QCFx4+C) and add many normal macro (like AB,CD,3punchs...) FBk Alpha+! can record game online on FBA format or in AVI!! - Hability for saving