DC模拟器 demul 发布新版,新版收正了声音问题,各位快去试试吧。作者原话如下:
Yesterday was corrected sound, now all semply and music should be on the ground wherever they were not. FREE advise you to use integrated pomoschnee because the kernel in the current build slowed on weaker machines may stall before stuttering sound. We want to hear about those games in which not Heard (Heard bad) any sounds that were at drime or other emulsion, as well as those in which music plays incorrectly - set incoherence sounds. Stuttering and infinite loop of sound may be, if you have a machine with a weaker Core2Duo.
The error in opkode NEGC rekompilyatora. Ready2Rumble Round 2 shows a normal screen copyright. This may be correct errors in other games.