DC/Naomi模拟器 Demul 发布新版,更新内容如下:
新版加入了一些新的插件如GPU和DR的插件,另外CDROM读取速度改进,还有纠正了对NAOMI游戏ROMSET,游戏如经典3D过关游戏SPIKE OUT等已模拟可以玩。
- Added a new GPU plug gpuOGlv3 (We recommend you install video drivers, especially ATI posvezhee).
- Added a new GDR plug gdrCHD, supporting disk Compressed Hunk of Data from the MAME
- The speed reading CD-ROM synchronized with the CPU and reduced to 1mb/sec (RECV "Boshka tiger" bug cured
- Fixed a long-standing problem with invisible bullets in the second chapter of Ikaruga
- Added all current NAOMI romsety old samopalnye abolished. Support for CHD images NAOMI after correcting errors in the conversion of CHD utility chdman.
- Fixed bugs in the old Dynarec and invalidatsii code kaunterah etc.
- Fixes almost all memory leaks.