10-2101VirtuaNES 0.97 简体中文版
08-0202SMYNES 1.20 中文破解版
08-0203VirtuaNES 0.92 中文版
02-2604NNNesterJ v0.21 (中文版任天堂
08-2105VirtuaNES V0.95 (简体中文版)
06-0706VirtuaNES 0.85fix 修正特别版
05-2907Nestopia V1.29 汉化版
- Fixed a lot of bugs in the mappers MMC1, FM7, 28, 176, 178, and FDS.
- Full support for the format NES 2.0.
- Implemented the filter xBRZ.
- Implemented the UNIF mappers FK23C, FK23CA, D1038, MARIO1-MALEE2.
Given the large amount of revised code, if someone were to find roms that worked properly with the 0.89 but not with this release, please contact me.