10-2101VirtuaNES 0.97 简体中文版
08-0202SMYNES 1.20 中文破解版
08-0203VirtuaNES 0.92 中文版
02-2604NNNesterJ v0.21 (中文版任天堂
08-2105VirtuaNES V0.95 (简体中文版)
06-0706VirtuaNES 0.85fix 修正特别版
05-2907Nestopia V1.29 汉化版
. My Nes rebuild with new optimized code, it should run with about 60 fps or faster than before.
. My Nes style changed, return to the classic emu mode with more powerful Launcher.
. Added Launcher with ability to store data in SQLite using NesCartDB info to organize games and roms.
. Added ability to use palette files instead of limitation to palette generator.
. Fixed some emulation engine issues, My Nes can pass new tests like sprdma and dmc dma and dmc dma during read4 tests.
. Fixed a lot of internal bugs, you'll notice the difference on application use.