10-2101VirtuaNES 0.97 简体中文版
08-0202SMYNES 1.20 中文破解版
08-0203VirtuaNES 0.92 中文版
02-2604NNNesterJ v0.21 (中文版任天堂
08-2105VirtuaNES V0.95 (简体中文版)
06-0706VirtuaNES 0.85fix 修正特别版
05-2907Nestopia V1.29 汉化版
* Added: Support for these mappers: # 41 and 42
* Added: High quality downsampler for audio output. Now My Nes sounds better.
* Added: Options in Audio options allow to change sound channels playback enable.
* Added: Ability to show boards/mappers status with My Nes via the new Boards List dialog.
* Added: New option in input settings, allows to switch back to keyboard mapping for a device when mapped device disconnected.
* Fixed: mappers # 23, 24, 26 and 90.
* Fixed: MMC 5 (mapper 5) external sound channels
* Fixed: Interrupts issue, branches was delaying nmi and irq instead of irq alone. some games are now playable (Dragon Quest III is one of them)
* Fixed: Bug in Inputs settings, never save device selection for joypad1.
* Fixed: Bug with inputs when trying to play in fullscreen sometimes inputs disconnected.
* Fixed: Soft reset for internal sound channels.
* Fixed: Bugs in few mappers.
* Improved: external sound channels of mapper 19 (Namco 163), still choppy but works.
* Improved: Few things in the video renderer such as 'cursor now it hides when entering fullscreen mode'.
* Improved: Input settings when trying to set mapping for all buttons sometimes the same mapping assigned to more than one button.