10-2101VirtuaNES 0.97 简体中文版
08-0202SMYNES 1.20 中文破解版
08-0203VirtuaNES 0.92 中文版
02-2604NNNesterJ v0.21 (中文版任天堂
08-2105VirtuaNES V0.95 (简体中文版)
06-0706VirtuaNES 0.85fix 修正特别版
05-2907Nestopia V1.29 汉化版
0.94 (Bigfix release)
- fixed xBRZ in the D3D9 release.
- Added the translated english version of "Lagrange Point" to the database.
- fixed a bug that does not allow to set properly some sound cards in linux version.
- fixed the problem with big RAM on FME-7 (http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtop ... =12467&p=142799).
- update the xBRZ filter to version 1.3.
- implemented a management window of cheats. You can import files CHT (FCEUX) and XML (Nestopia).
I'm going to develop other tools including a debugger, an editor of RAM, a viewer NameTable and more. Given the lack of funds and time I do not know how long it will take but I'm a stubborn and headstrong. Anyone who wanted to support the project (or even offer a beer :wink:) with a donation, can do so through the "Donate" in the About window.