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[多机种模拟器]MESSUI 0.159

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2015-02-28
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:Mame
  • 游戏厂商:互联网










06-1901MamePlus-0.106U2 中文版

12-1902MamePlus-0.102U1 中文版

02-2603MAME v0.92正式版本

08-2604Mame32 Plus 105U5 模拟999中文


04-2606最强街机模拟器MAME Plus! 0.137



messui 0.159.jpg


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05844: [Core] (coco12.c) all coco drivers: crash to desktop when slot device Multi selected (Osso)
- 04799: [Core] (kaypro.c) All sets in kaypro.c: Won't boot from Floppy (Robbbert)

New System Drivers Supported:
-Bank Shot [hap, Sean Riddle]
-Tomy Alien Chase [hap, Kevin Horton]
-Epoch Dracula [hap, Kevin Horton]
-Tomy Tennis [hap, Kevin Horton]
-Wildfire [hap, Sean Riddle]
-Coleco Total Control 4 [hap, Sean Riddle]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
-Slicer [Carl, Al Kossow]
-Kaypro4 [Robbbert]
-Omni II [Robbbert]
-Hanimex Pencil II [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
-Alesis MMT-8 [Sandro Roncko]

Software Lists:
-pico.xml: Added more dumps from Brazilian and Japanese carts. [Team Europe]
-tutor.xml: Added dump for Marine Adventure. [Team Europe]

Source Changes
-nes, snes: Working MIDI in and out for Miracle Piano [R. Belmont]
-fixed missing file details [Oliver Stöneberg]
-snes: converted input code to use slot devices. This means that you now change the emulated controllers (Joypad, Mouse, Multitap, Super Scope) via the Slot Device menu of the UI interface and not anymore from the System Configurations menu. Also, changing controller now requires to reset the system, so please take some timeto choose the desired controller *before* starting the game, if you want to play a game that uses special controllers. [Fabio Priuli]
-snes: fixed Mouse emulation so that it does not jump back erratically if you keep moving beyond the window border. [Fabio Priuli]
-snes: fixed Multitap Adapter emulation so games properly recognize the device and inputs from all 5 controllers are accepted by the games. [Fabio Priuli]
-snes: added emulation of the Pachinko controller used by a few pachinko games for Super Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]
-snes: added emulation of the Yonezawa Twin Tap controllers, which allow to play with up to 8 players a quiz games for Super Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]
-snes: added emulation of the Epoch Barcode Battler unit (even if only as Super Famicom controller, and not as a standalone unit) which is necessary to play Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki for Super Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]
-apple2: properly handle ProDOS-order Microsoft CP/M boot disk [R. Belmont]
-apple2 updates: [R. Belmont]
* Provide centralized DMA mechanism for slot cards
* Fixed 0.156 regressions for Z80 SoftCard, The Mill 6809, and Mountain Computer Music System
* Provide debugger protection for slot-based foreign CPUs executing from Apple II DMA
-gl6600cx: documented CPU type. [TeamEurope]
-advision.c: Change Adventure Vision MCU ROM names to better reflect actual chip labels. [Lord Nightmare]
-pencil2 : fixed cassette interface, system marked as working [Robbbert]
-zorba : system can boot from floppy, is now usable. [Robbbert]
-kaypro10 : boots from floppy (it only has one floppy drive) [Robbbert]
-wozfdc: Reduce the flux inversion pulse duration to the minimum [Peter Ferrie, O. Galibert]
-apple3: Implement 'smooth scrolling' feature for all video modes. [R. Belmont]
-apple3: Fixed text color to white to match h/w with an RGB monitor. [R. Belmont, based on h/w testing by robj]
-gamate: audio emulation [Peter Trauner]
-sms: improved the code for the Light Phaser, by simplifying the routines and making them slightly faster. [Enik Land]
-amstrad: added support for the Dobbertin Smart Watch. [Barry Rodewald]


The custom code for mandatory carts has been removed, because of improvements in baseline.




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