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[PS模拟器]NO$PSX 1.8

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2014-03-06
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:PS
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











11-0701ePSXe 1.6.0 Plus! 1.2汉化整合

05-2802ePSXe 1.7.0 Plus! 简体中文版

08-1103最强PS模拟器epsxe 1.9.0 汉化中

02-2604ePSXe 1.6.0 集成中文版 Second

11-1305PS模拟器 ePSXe 1.8.0 简体中文


02-2607VGS 1.41 SP2 汉化版


new: plain gaming-version (miniaturized nonsense emulator without debugger)
snapshots: doesn't touch cdrom status/door on cdrom-loading (preserve snap)
sound: currently disabled new zigzag for slow 18900Hz xa-adpcm (eg. dracula)
dma: fixed crash on num_blks=0 (should act as 10000h) (Where's Derpy spu/dma)
dma: updates dma address/length registers in special sync/chopping modes
setup/sound: volume slider (optionally hardware/mixer or software/multiply)
gpu/bugfix: wraps when DisplayBase+DisplayHeight exceeds 512-lines vram size
disass: shows valatcur for load/store opcodes (now also in native syntax mode)
a22i: recognizes native mips assembler syntax (alternately to nocash syntax)
a22i: fixed crash on complex numeric expressions with missing close bracket
a22i: works without space character between labels and greater/less symbols
a22i: uses predef in opcode list, refuses 'pop' if SP-load-delay busy
gpu/speedup: omits rectangle tex-blending on color=808080h (eg. Where's Derpy)
iomap: adds rect/fill/vram2vram time to gpu emu load (formerly only poly/line)
bios clone: dummy A(9D) opcode for "set_conf_without_realloc" (Roll Boss Rush)
help: added info on homebrew "set_conf_without_realloc" bios hack/patch
snapshots: survives snap loading even if old cdrom-image folder doesn't exist
snapshots: added better (but slower) LZ-based .SNA file compression (optional)
snapshots: includes BIOS ROM (for loading regardless of bios versions/clones)
expansion rom: prevents skip_intro patch on expansions (which may hook intro)
expansion rom: prevents tty_enable patch for caetla (which needs bios chksum)
expansion rom: supports actionreplay and xplorer io ports (namely switch=on)
expansion rom: supports actionreplay 2x128K mapping and normal xplorer mapping
bios-clone: fixed rename-function (added mov r4,r16)(ridgeracer sav overwrite)
gpu: prevents better-than-real-quads on concave/twisted quads (crashbandicoot)
timers: supports separate dest/overflow events, completion flags, dest changes
help: added specs and cautions on cdrom autopause (or autostop) feature
cdrom: implemented autopause feature with INT4(stat) on end of track (Rayman)
gpu: CpuToVram wraps from x=3FFh to X=000h with Y=SAME (Alundra memcard save)
gpu: fixed polygon height limit (don't draw if height>=512) (for Spiderman)
cdrom: implemented authentic 2nd_response timings (Gundam Battle Assault 2)
help: added 'CDROM - Response Timings' chapters (some min/max/average timings)
help: corrected cdrom GetID description (only one response on DoorOpen/SpinUp)
vram viewer: forces "swap_buffers" after timeout (avoids dracula mem overflow)
cpu: emulates cop0 bpc/bpcm opcode fetch breaks (for cheat device booting)
help: fixed cop0 debug break description (bpc-then-bpcm, not vice-versa)
bios-clone: added dummy "add r4,0,385h" opcode at (for Xplorer bios hook)
bios-clone: moved gui-entrypoint to 80030000h (for Action Replay bios hook)
cdrom/bugfix: bugfixed new cdrom-dma timing; minus intcount (dino crisis 1-2)
fileloader: allows to load/debug/emulate expansion roms (.rom and .fcd files)
help: new Cheat Devices chapter (code formats, i/o ports, decryption, etc)
web: new no$psx forum: http://ngemu.com/forums/no-psx-discussion.147/




下载说明:游戏有可能会被一些杀毒软件误报为病毒,这与游戏补丁或汉化有关,请关闭杀毒软件。不知怎 么下载, 请点我



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