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[街机/NEOGEO CD模拟器]raine 0.63.10

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2014-07-26
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:Mame
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











01-0901NeoRaine 1.0.3

01 NeoRaine 1.0.3

10-0602Raine 0.42.4

02 Raine 0.42.4
Raine 0.42.4 Raine

05-2803Neoraine 1.1.5

03 Neoraine 1.1.5

01-2704多街机模拟器Raine v0.60.1

10-0605rainew 0.40.2

05 rainew 0.40.2

10-0606Raine 0.40.0

06 Raine 0.40.0
Raine 0.40.0 Raine

01-0907Raine 0.50.6-4

07 Raine 0.50.6-4


raine 0.63.10.JPG

Ok, this is the big "bug fix release" for 0.63, and since 0.63 was a merge between neogeo and neocd to begin with, plus there were lots of small and fast releases, it had everything to get a lot of bugs !

The primary goal of this one was to rewrite the dma and the uploads handling so that it passes the test mode of the neocdz bios and the neocd debug bios. It was not really easy, and since it's a core functionality of neocd it was quite dangerous, but it should work everywhere now. You still can't test the debug bios test mode because you need to compile your own raine for that, it needs a special define to boot the bios for now.

For the bugs fixed, there was a lot of them, the more noticeable ones :
- the neogeo games couldn't re-read their memory card and so they were just formating it everytime the game was run ! (big shame for this one !)
- some neocd games like "magical drop 2" don't seem to know how to format their memory card, trying to save without having first initialized the memory card in the bios just produces a black screen. So now raine tries to pre-initialize the card, maybe it doesn't work for all neocd games, but it works at least for magical drop 2.
- almost all the games using the raster interrupt didn't use it correctly since october 2013, and a "fix" for ghostlop (neogeo prototype). This fix broke almost all the other games which used this razster interrupt ! It's good now.
- fix a crash in some neogeo games related to unmapped memory. In magical drop 2 it produced a crash when it asks to save data, just after entering a name for the scores. It was a really special one.
- No more delay while playing an audio track. This should ease things for those who had some "hicups" when loading a new audio track.
- Also I missed the default animation of the old bioses in the previous releases, it's now fixed, check it out if you don't know it, it's not bad !

Except the bugs it also now supports the universe bios 3.1, put this in your neogeo.zip to get it. And neocd now supports Spain and Brazil regions, but these work for a very few games only, so if you get problems while trying one of these, return to a more standard region.

I think it's all the major changes, get a look at the git changes if you wish, but they are not easy to read this time because there were lots of commits for some low level stuff.



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