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SFC模拟器SSNES 0.5.2

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2011-06-16
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:SFC
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











08-0201Snesgt0.2 中文版

01 Snesgt0.2 中文版
Snesgt0.2 中文版 SFC模拟软件

07-0502bsnes v0.021简体中文版

02 bsnes v0.021简体中文版
bsnes v0.021简体中文版 SFC模拟软件

05-0303SFC模拟器 Snes9x 1.53 中文修正

09-0104Snes9x v1.51繁体汉化版

04 Snes9x v1.51繁体汉化版
Snes9x v1.51繁体汉化版 SFC模拟软件

09-1805Uosnesw 20050910 汉化版

05 Uosnesw 20050910 汉化版
Uosnesw 20050910 汉化版 SFC模拟软件

08-0206Sneshout 3.3 多语言版

06 Sneshout 3.3 多语言版
Sneshout 3.3 多语言版 SFC模拟软件

05-2607Snes9x 1.51

07 Snes9x 1.51
Snes9x 1.51 SFC模拟软件


SFC模拟器SSNES 0.5.2

[Source: https://github.com/Themaister/SSNES]

Frontend wykorzystujący bibliotekę libsnes z emulatora Bsnes'a do emulacji konsoli SNES.


    Fix case where lookup-textures were used in second or later shader pass. (It was flipped).
    Fix linkage with Clang.
    Disable audio sync properly in external driver if desired (audio_sync).
    Fix transition_previous shader semantic.
    Fix crash when XAudio2 is requested 0ms latency.
    Use SDL_image rather than Imlib2 for portability reasons.
    Fix multiplayer. (2-5 players were broken (orly?)).
    Various minor bugfixes.
    Python script support for shaders. In addition to semantics, XML and Cg-shaders can now call on custom Python 3 scripts which will set uniforms for them. The scripts have full read-only access to SNES internal state and input.
    Add new transition_count shader semantic.
    Shader semantics can access input directly (given in native SNES format as one 16-bit int).
    GUI input config allows ignoring analog input as an option. This is useful for devices where digital and analog (pressure sensitive) are tied to same button (notably PS3 controller on Linux).

    Win32 specific:
    SSNES now uses DirectInput directly for joypad input rather than SDL in an attempt to better match the ruby:: DirectInput config which is used in GUI. I´ve tested on my Win7 setup and on a friends WinXP setup and it works as expected. If it still doesn´t work for you (crash, hang, otherwise), please paste the results of "show log" in GUI in one of the threads here. Try erasing old config files as well.
    The main Win32 build now includes SDL_image, Python and Cg DLLs, so no more cg-builds. Win32 library package is also updated for those that prefer to build themselves.


下载说明:游戏有可能会被一些杀毒软件误报为病毒,这与游戏补丁或汉化有关,请关闭杀毒软件。不知怎 么下载, 请点我



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