08-0301SS模拟器 SSF Ver 0.12 Beta R2
02-1302SSF Ver0.10 alpha 繁體中文化版
04-3003SSF Ver0.08 alpha R9简体中文版
09-0304SSF 所需的BIOS
11-2605[SS模拟器]Yabause 0.9.14
02-2606Satourne v1.0.2p 中文版
09-1407SS模拟器SSF Ver0.12 beta R4
- Fixed a memory access process.
- SH2 was modified to handle the DMA.
- SMPC was modified to handle the clock change.
- VDP2 Fixed a rendering of the plane of rotation.
- BIOS emulating processing was corrected.
- State data saved version has changed.
- SH2 modification process as the DMA, DMA established a similar option to the actual behavior.