08-0201EmuCheat 2005.7
06-0902EmuCheat 模拟999收藏版
04-3004Kaillerasrv 1.01
街机音乐拨放程式 M1 发布新版,支持1000多个游戏ROM直接播放游戏里的音乐,支持转换输出成WAV格式,新版持了一些MD游戏如Sonic 2, 3, and 3&Knuckles,更新内容如下:
For Genesis, subtype 1 means "JSR to a Z80 downloader then halt the 68000". init="" gives the address to JSR to and cmdadr="" gives the Z80 RAM address to write commands to.
For games where you write a command to 1 byte and a trigger value to a second (most Sound Images drivers like Rock n' Roll Racing), trigadr="" gives the trigger address and trigval="" gives the value to write to trigadr. This will be written immediately after writing a new command.
For games which need a heartbeat trigger written once a frame (OutRunners), ftrigadr and ftrigval work how you'd expect.
subtype 4 is a direct Z80 downloader instead of running 68k code to do it. z80prg="" gives the address in the ROM of the Z80 program to download, and the other tags are the same as for subtype 1.
Drivers known to be problematic include anything running primarily on the 68000 (Rob Hubbard, SMPS 68k, Krysalis/Shaun Hollingworth). I do hope to tackle SMPS 68k out of those at least, and I'd really love to get The Immortal playing sometime