NeoGamma 的作者是Wiipower,NeoGamma 是在Wiigator的Backup launcher gammma基础上进行改进的。
NeoGamma 是一款可以直接玩D版光盘的软直读。支持光盘读取,硬盘wbfs读取和sd卡读取游戏,同时还具有Geckoos的所有特性。
- Ported to the new libogc
- Warning before memory card in slot 2 is accessed as usb gecko
- Auto Force Language option added, it forces english for games with region 'E'(NTSC-U) and japanese for games with region 'J'
- Moved memory stuff before the apploader. Now Red Steel and SSX should be working. (they still (try to) load their IOS themselves)
- Writes the Game ID Address(0x80000000) now into the memory at 0x80003184. Now Sam & Max and FarCry should be working. (they still (try to) load their IOS themselves)
- Save configuration to sd card
- Added Country String Patching (mostly helpful for japanese users with US and PAL games)
- Load Ocarina from SDHC and USB(when encountering problems, try the different strange options, using IOS61 is only compatible if NeoGamma was compiled with a libogc compatible with it like libogc SVN)
- Added option to patch video modes
- Added video modes that can be forced(MPAL) / Changed to use slightly different video modes
- Fake IOS Version in memory (this removes the 002 error)
- Changed to Graphics by: xabarasx
- Added SD/USB Loading(not compatible with cIOSrev12). If your HDD does not work:
Make sure you are using the bottom usb port, the top one won't work for HDDs from rev12 on.
Also if you have WiiConnect24 enabled, test what happens if you disable it.
If you have a IDE HDD, try both master and slave jumper settings(experts only)
If you have a SATA HDD, and you can set the speed with a jumper, try slowest possible setting(experts only!)