12-2101No$GBA v2.6
07-0302iDeaS 简体中文汉化版
01-2603No$gba 2.6a
07-2504NDS图形放大器myZoom v1.8.27
08-1105DeSmuME Ver 2.010最新优化版
02-2506DeSmuME 0.9.7 中文正式版
10-1207iDeaS Beta 简体汉化版
NDS上MD模拟器 PicoDriveDS 0.1.3(支持存档)
- 支持长文件名的ROM
- 支持了按B键进入文件目录
- 支持R/L翻页功能
- 支持自动SRAM存档/取档
NDS上MD模拟器 PicoDriveDS v0.1.4发布 ,新版变动:
- 修正了按R键拖文件滚动条到最下面的BUG
- 切换到Unified Builds,基本上所有SD/CF烧录卡支持了
- 加入了NeoFlash MK2/MK3支持
- 改正了当重复按Select键(非选择文件)继续模拟的问题
Added support for appended ROMs. This should allow users with carts not supported by gba\_nds\_fat to use PicoDriveDS. Simply append a ROM to the PicoDriveDS binary, and it will run it (on *nix systems this can be done with “cat romname.ext >> picodriveds.ext”, on Windows with “copy /b picodriveds.ext+romname.ext picodriveds-withrom.ext”, substituting the appropriate filenames of course). You can only append one ROM at a time. In this mode, Genesis SRAM will be saved to GBA SRAM. Some patchers may work correctly with this and save the SRAM to your removable media, I have only been able to test with the EZ4 Lite software.
Fixed M3 reset code, added M3SD Mini insertion detection code (untested, may not work)
Massive code restructure and cleanup (though some cleanup is still in progress)
Added save state support, accessed via the X button. Due to the current size of the save states, this is only supported for FAT devices and is disabled in appended ROM mode. Currently there is only one save state per ROM (saved to romname.pds). This is still a very experimental feature and save states may not be compatible with future versions of PicoDriveDS.