2009-07-10 | 来源:互联网 | 小编:admin | 人看过
我是个手痒的人,偶尔翻到斑竹moby的网页,发现我的PSP居然已经可以用其它品牌的GPS,而且网上的一个老外用HOLUX GPS和自己做的数据线(实在是强人,我只会动手,人家那可是动脑呢,佩服的很!!!)成功完成PSP GPS定位,网上的兄弟也一致肯定HOLUX的GPS236的接收效果比原装SONY的GPS更好,虽然价格高些,但是有蓝牙,我的NOKIA E50也可用,哈哈...多用途的GPS呀!因为有MOBY斑竹的详细图示与解释,我也在本周买来了HOLUX236,利用家里的无用线控(因为是仿冒品,买了一直没用)和多余USB线自己DIY了数据线.那个线控里面让我掏空了放那个1K的电阻正好,焊好固定后盖上线控盖子,呵呵...没有破坏原来的外观,看上去好象还是线控,相当的蒙人!其实是焊接的电阻和一堆绝缘布和线头,呵呵...接好数据线,开了HOLUX GPS 236,打开PSP的MAP THIS 软件,少等片刻,按下方块按键,指针立即定位到目前位置,到此我的DIY过程一切顺利完成,虽然没有语音导航,但是定位已经可以,期待MAP THIS的新版本可以达到这个新高度,那就爽了!
Here is a farely simple way to connect your PSP to a GPS receiver:
You'll need:
- Holux GPSlim236 (~$100)
- Intec G6704 PSP Remote Control (~$11). Alternatively you can rip the connector of your original remote control.
- USB (Mini B) cable ($5-10) (don't use the included USB power cable)
- 1K 1/4watt resistor (>$1)
- Electric tape ($2 roll)
- Soldering iron
- Multimeter (for checking the connector pins, alternatively you can use just a circuit made out of a low voltage bulb and a battery)
- Razor blade (to cut and clean stuff)
Basically, you just need to cut the USB cable and PSP remote plug, figure out which wires go to the connector pins, listed below, and connect them according to the diagram:
Use caution when connecting the wires, make sure all of them are carefully insulated. You don't want to short any of them, since this may brick your PSP or GPS device.
Also, GPSlim 236 spec says that the TXD voltage may range from 3.2 to 5 V, so 1K resistor may not be enough to lower the voltage in some cases. So buy a few resistors: 5k,3k,2k,1k and see if your circuit works with a bigger value resistor first..
Once your cable is finished, test your setup with a little GPS viewer program that I wrote:
The source code is included in the zip...
Note, the program is written to work in kernel mode, so I doubt that it will work on 2+ fw..
Perhaps someone can look in to how to adjust it...
Here is the screenshoot:
So, waht's the point you ask? I am planning to plug this in to the upcoming map viewer applcation, which, of course will be able to point your gps location on a google-like map in real time... and scroll the map as you move along...
Special thanks to Art and futaris for helpping me out with serial port comm problems...
Almost forgot a disclaimer: As always, I am not responsible for any damages...