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Mame最新支持游戏 翼人战士日版 本地下载是一款好玩的游戏核心放置战斗软件
软件大小: 软件语言:中文 软件分类:安卓游戏   软件编辑:admin 软件授权: 更新时间:2015/4/20 0:00:00 支持系统:Android



翼人战士神话战士日版俗称鸟骑士Phelios 1988 Namco根据希腊神话改编的垂直枪战类街机游戏,玩家扮演太阳神阿波罗从恶魔之手中,飞过古希腊营救他的姐妹阿耳特弥斯月神。


Phelios (c) 1988 Namco.
A great vertical shoot'em up game based on Greek mythology. 
The player controls the sun god Apollo who is riding of his winged horse Pegasus flying through ancient Greece on a mission to rescue his sister Artemis the goddess of the moon, from the clutches of the fiend Typhon. Shoot all enemies like harpies and skeletons along with goblins and colossal enemy bosses.
Pressing the fire button makes his sword fire a tiny shot, while holding it down charges the sword, firing a bigger fireball upon release. Even the smallest enemies take multiple hits, so the standard shot is of little use
