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Mame最新模拟 银河风暴 本地下载是一款好玩的游戏核心放置战斗软件
软件大小: 软件语言:中文 软件分类:安卓游戏   软件编辑:admin 软件授权: 更新时间:2017/2/13 0:00:00 支持系统:Android


最新街机模拟游戏,银河风暴 Galactic Storm 1991 Taito飞行射击类galastrm.zip街机游戏,推荐使用mame0.180街机模拟器

Galactic Storm was Released in March 1992 in Japan (even if the titlescreen says 1991). It had good graphics and sound for its time. But Street Fighter 2 was released the same year and crushed everything. So, the game was a flop.
Some graphics (player design, final stage, and some others) were taken from "Master of Weapon".
