10-2101VirtuaNES 0.97 简体中文版
08-0202SMYNES 1.20 中文破解版
08-0203VirtuaNES 0.92 中文版
02-2604NNNesterJ v0.21 (中文版任天堂
08-2105VirtuaNES V0.95 (简体中文版)
06-0706VirtuaNES 0.85fix 修正特别版
05-2907Nestopia V1.29 汉化版
FC模拟器,新版更新如下:October 16, 2010
The aforementioned alternate keyboard layout is now labeled as the "Subor Keyboard" for the Chinese famiclone from which it originates, and several of its key bindings have been fixed in the process