N64模拟器Mupen64Plus v1.4发布,这个是基于PC版的Mupen64移植到Linux系统的版本,包括三个LINUX版的图形插件glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and Glide64,新版改进如下:
Major New Features
- Graphical debugger for R4300 core (build with 'make DBG=1')
- On Screen Display
- KDE4 GUI (experimental, compile from source)
- Cheat system with Gameshark codes
Minor New Features
- Single frame advance
- Emulator playback speed up or down in 5% increments
- Rumble Pak support with force feedback
- Map emulator functions (fullscreen, stop emulation, etc) to joystick buttons or axis movements.
- Volume up/down
- Blight Input: Individually configure each direction of X and Y axis, which allows inverting the axis
- JTTL_Audio: libsamplerate support for high quality audio resampling
- GTK GUI: Search/filter box
- GTK GUI: Accelerator keys
- GTK GUI: numerous small changes and fixes
- Overhaul of rom handling functions; numerous small fixes
Bug fixes
- NoMemoryExpansion parameter to emulate 4MB console; fixes some games
- Removed NoAudioDelay core option to resolve issue #48
- Fix unresponsive emulator when game gets stuck in loop
- GTK GUI: #6 - if a ROM is selected in the ROM browser and 'play' is pressed, emulation will start
- GTK GUI: #62 - ROM browser column sorting works
- Rice Video: Support hi-res textures with different scale factors for X and Y
- Blight Input: don't use 100% CPU in configuration dialog