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NEOGEO CD模拟器NeoRaine v1.4.2

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2013-06-13
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:NEOGEO CD
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











02-2601NeoRageX 0.8c

01 NeoRageX 0.8c
NeoRageX 0.8c NeoRAGEx

02-2602KOF2003 对应 NeoRageX专用模拟

02-2603NeoRAGEx Test 4.5

04-1704NeoRAGEx 5.2a

03-1005NeoRAGEx 5.2

06-1306NEOGEO CD模拟器NeoRaine v1.4.2


Neoraine :
- support for iso.gz files : it allows to easily convert downloaded content. After downloading, cd to the new directory and :
gzip -9 *.iso
for n in *.wav; do
   oggenc $n && rm -f $n
And you can then point neoraine directly to the cue file without even editing it. The surprising part is that an iso.gz is as small or smaller than the contents of the iso transfered to a zip file, so it's the best solution. I am sure there are equivalent ways in windows to do that without typing anything and with a lot of clicks ! ;-)

Common fixes :
- new sound sync method : just rely entierly on sdl, which makes more sense, there was still some old code in there which should have disappeared a long time ago. It should fix some reports about sound breaking after very long sessions in neoraine.
- fix a stupid bug with gamepads (bad detection).
- video info display bigger
- progress dialog was invisible when loading a game from the command line and using the opengl rendering.
- No default bpp forced for opengl anymore : I noticed that on systems which don't have accelerated opengl, it's best to use the desktop bpp to render in oepngl, so that's what I do now. As a side effect the long black screens which could be seen when entering or leaving fullscreen are almost gone with this change now.
- opengl : force vbl sync when double buffer is enabled : horizontal scrolling was not perfect without the vbl, even when using double buffer, it could be seen in batrider and/or spacedx for example.

Raine :
- Add guwanges, which is a special edtion of guwange. I don't know what's new inside exactly, but at least the background during attract mode is different.
- Add semicom drivers poppyrap, cookbib3, pzlbreak. Easy to add, not bad technically, and good to test the new ways to write clones and drivers !
- In november 2010, a global change from me prevented quite a few game drivers to correctly load these games, so these drivers just crashed the emulator or produced a black screen at best. The drivers affected and now fixed are : cookbib, htchctch, chokchok, sf2yyc, galpanic, hyperpac, twinkle, 3in1semi, cookbib2, moremore, moremorep, finalttr, hyperpcb, wintbob, macrossp, ssmissin, pipibibi, mchampdx, hedpanic !
- the lsystem (taito_l) driver now finally works in any color depth, which allows it to work in opengl or with yuv overlays. While I was at it, I added 2 more plotting sets : plotting becomes plottinga (to follow mame names), added plotting and plottingb. There is more work to be done on this driver, but this was the most important part.
- cleanup of the asuka/bonzeadv/earthjk/cadashr drivers :
   - As a bonus, the background of eto is finally fixed, but since it's a pure japenese game it won't be very interesting !
   - Added cadashg, the german version of cadash which was missing, but all the translations of cadash except english are so bad that it's barely believable anyway !
   - Region dipswitches are now supported by raine, that means dipswitches which change based on the selected region. It allowed me to remove jigkmgri, a now useless region clone of bonzeadv.
   - A dipswitch testing another dipswitch can be seen in galmedes now, if you change the dipswitch coinage type, the coinage is updated in real time on screen. I might have overdone it here, but Stephh is very happy with this change ! ;-)
- Taito tetris now finally works in any color depth, so it can be used with opengl or yuv oerlays too.
- bsystem driver : finally fully playble in any color depth too, so compatible with opengl and yuv overlays. Also I added the missing sprites to spacedx (you can see them when selecting the type of game). They have always been missing... Also fixed the framebuffer of this driver : there was a very funny bug here, if you watched spacedx attract mode long enough, when the game sequence started, the copyright notice was still displayed in the background. But the best part is that the shots of the ships were attacking the letters and destroying them ! It was quite fun to see a copyright notice being attacked this way !
- cps2 : fix avspd not starting (not exactly a bug here, it was more an unemulated raster effect that the game was waiting for ever)

Console :
- now supports the 68020 and the z80. Not everything works (don't try the breakpoints with these cpus !), but the basic stuff works. You need dz80 installed on the system to be able to disassemble z80 code, and m68kdis to display 68020 code (like for the 68000). Also the console won some colors, it's a basic terminal emulator after all so there was no reason not to use more colors ! ;-)


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