08-0201Snesgt0.2 中文版
07-0502bsnes v0.021简体中文版
05-0303SFC模拟器 Snes9x 1.53 中文修正
09-0104Snes9x v1.51繁体汉化版
09-1805Uosnesw 20050910 汉化版
08-0206Sneshout 3.3 多语言版
05-2607Snes9x 1.51
Quick incomplete features list:
- updated cartridge dialog with new techniques (thanks to Nach for the info!) Not finished yet though.
- PalFinder for finding (sub-)palettes in WRAM and ROM
- direct editing in PalViewer
- custom SRM and IPS directories
- much faster with directories containing a large amount of cartridges!
- no more conflicts of Windows dialogs vs. always-on-top windows
- fixed SMV display bug
- support for TileLayer Pro palette files
Note: SPC support currently br0ken for some reason...
Btw. I'm thinking about removing the "reload" and "launch" buttons from the main window. Does anybody use them anyway?
As always, please report bugs when you encounter them.
EDIT: Fixed stupid bug, re-uploaded archive.