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风云默示录出招表 Ravage Reign

2007-07-11  |  来源:互联网  |  小编:  |   人看过  

英文名稱:Ravage Reign
機 型:大型電玩
作 者:小明

*** Dances of Doom ***
Savage Slash ↓↘→ + C
To the Moon Kick ↓↙← + A or B
At the apex of jump, ↓ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Eagle Fire Stam →←→ + BC or ABC
Spirit Blast →↓↘ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Hayate Dance ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A


*** Dances of Doom ***
Diving Head Buster During Jump & Near Opponent, → + C
American Screwdriver ↓↙← + A or B
Fiash Wing ↓↘→↗ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Axe Boom ←↙↓↘→ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Eagle Special Near Opponent, →↘↓↙←→ + C


*** Dances of Doom ***
Fumace Blast A Button Repeatedly
Thundering Heaven Blast ↓↘→↗ + C
Raging Bull Thrust →↘↓↑ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Icarus's Immolation →↓↘ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Jaguar Assort Attack ↙ briefly, then → + A repeatedly


*** Dances of Doom ***
Spinning Top Drop ↓↙← + A or B
Dream Angel Drop At apex of jump, ↓ + C
Swan Dive Dumper ↙ briefly , then → + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Fast Ball Flash ←↙↓↘→ + BC or ABC
Rainbow Attack →↓↘ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Naughty Balls →←↓↑ + A


*** Dances of Doom ***
Blazing Kick B Button repeatdly
Thundeting Heaven Blast ↓↘→↗ + C
Spirit Tsunami ↓↙←↑ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Water Jet Pummel →↓↘ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Jaguar Assort Kick ↙ briefly, then → + B repeatedly


*** Dances of Doom ***
Power Driver During Jump & Near Opponent, ← + C
Galvanic Smash ↓↘→↗ + C
Discus Driver ↓↙← + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Samson Split →↘↓↙←→ + BC or ABC
U.F.OBlaster ←↓↙ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Hell Razor ↓↙↓↘→↗ + A

*** Dances of Doom ***
Shocking Toy Twister ↓↘→↗ + C
Bloody Parasol At the apex of jump, ↓ + A or B
Roller Dash ↙ briefly, then → + A or B
Transporter ↓↓ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Mad Hatter Heave →↘↓↙←→ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Good Face ↓↙↓↘→↗ + A


*** Dances of Doom ***
White Tiger Gouge ↙ briefly , then → + A or B
Thousand Slap Slasher ↓↘→↗ + A or B
Psychic Thermal Blast* Grab pipe and ↓↑↓↑ + A or B
Fire Blast Flayer When angry , ↓↙←↖ + C
(*Can only be used in certain stages)
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Purple Dragon Belch →↓↘ + BC or ABC
Cock-A-Doodie Die When angry, →←→ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Hermit's Blast ↓↓↓↓↑ + A


*** Dances of Doom ***
Pressure Crunch During Jump & Near Opponent, → + C
Friction Heater →↘↓↙← + A or B
Moon-Shot Upper ↙←→ + A or B
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Spark Bolt →←→ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
Mad Police Near Opponent, →↘↓↙←→ + C


*** Dances of Doom ***
Earth Chopper ↓↙←↖ + C
Beast Blow ↙←→ + A or B
Nightmare Knocker (Body Slam) ↓↘→↗ + C
*** Weapon Wallops ***
Crush of the Gods ↓ briefly , then ↑ BC or ABC
Silent Storm ↓↙←↑ + BC or ABC
*** Reverse Attack ***
King's Straight →↘↓↙←→←→ + A


温馨提示:抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉边游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活
