让你小P变成VISTA系统PSPvista v0.6发布,新版变动如下:
* Creation of a bios (possibiliter little configuration for the moment)
* Creation of a "boot" to open the session
* A sound is a play the opening of the "boot"
* Creation of a menu of information on the battery
* Possibiliter to change the user name
* All photographs choice of session to open / close the session were redone
* All the graphics have been redone (and not have someone come to me say that his looks not a vista this time!)
* A basket was created (it is merely decorative as useless)
* A second page for my documents was created (it is empty but will be used later when I rajouterais other application)
* Text reader "mikehaggar99" has been added (has been available since my documents).