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多机种模拟器DSP Emulator 0.10b3

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2010-11-25
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:Nds
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











11-2501多机种模拟器DSP Emulator 0.10b

08-0602[多机种模拟器] BizHawk 1.7.4

11-2703[多机种模拟器] BizHawk 1.9.0

07-0304多机种模拟器 Mednafen 0.8.C

06-1305多平台模拟器Mednafen-rr v1.1

07-0106[多机种模拟器] Mednafen 0.9.38

09-2207[MAME/MESS模拟器]MEWUI v0.205(


DSP 0.10ß3 11/23/10
+ENHANCE: M68000
- Code Cleaning
- Added more opcodes
- Fixed SBCD opcode (Fixes KOD)
- Code cleaning
- Added some more opcodes
- Fixed ASR (fixes Final Fight and SF2' Champion Edition)
+ENHANCE: Thanks to Davide Michelini, added Italian translation
+ENHANCE: Improved load ROM system. First try ROM load based on CRC (regardless of name), then try load ROM by name. Added CRC of all ROMS of all drivers.
+NEW: LR35902 - Specific CPU for GB and GBC
+ENHANCE: Samples
- Fixed loading some samples (Donkey Kong) and sound mixing several samples (Asteroids).
- Added function 'reset' before you start using the samples (solve problems of volume, samples that sound alone, etc)
+ENHANCE: Improved the initial list of drivers, is now sorted alphabetically and displays data better than before.
+BUG: Fixed driver initialization
+BUG: Fixed block $19 'General Data' from TZX v1.20
+BUG: Fixed error 'I/O error 6' when trying to open a snapshot or tape. Rewrited the whole tape opening system.
+BUG: Fixed loading tapes with many blocks.
+ENHANCE: Improved contained memory and contained I/O.
-Black Tiger
+ENHANCE: Speed up the scroll
+ENHANCE: Updated ROMs to Rev. 4
-Jail Break
+BUG: Fixed ROM VLM-5030 loading bug
-Gaelco Hardware
-Thunder Hoop
+BUG: Fixed ADPCM sound
-Gameboy / Gameboy Color
+NEW: Added real emulation!
- Mappers MBC0, MBC1 and MBC5.
- Save/Load de NVRam
- Line to line video.
- Sound, some bugs (sometimes sound very strange)
- Some bugs on the CPU
- Bugs on 'Window' tile draw.
-Capcom Play System 1 - CPS1
+ENHANCE: Added all the priorities between planes and sprites
+ENHANCE: Fixed many bugs and added more speed to driver
+ENHANCE: Now if the graphic is out of range is draw transparent (Fixes Final Fight)
+BUG: Now finds correctly the end of the sprites (fixes SF2)
+ENHANCE: Added QSound sound chip
- Strider: Added driver.
- Three Wonders: Added driver.
- Captain Commando: Added driver.
- Knights of the Round: Added driver.
- Street Fighter II' Champion Edition: Added driver. Missing rowscroll.
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: Added driver with sound
- The Punisher: Added driver with sound


下载说明:游戏有可能会被一些杀毒软件误报为病毒,这与游戏补丁或汉化有关,请关闭杀毒软件。不知怎 么下载, 请点我




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